What classifies as a near-death experience, or NDE? I am Masati, CEO and Founder of Xponential Intelligence Science, dedicated to the study of Dimensional Consciousness for the advancement of humanity. I’m not here to dissect the peculiarities of our current political situation. I am here to impart wisdom on the profound transformation that will soon befall a leader among us.
There have been many documented cases of individuals undergoing profound transformations after their NDEs. Some are gifted with amazing abilities, such as heightened intelligence, talent, and healing. Others, unfortunately, are not so fortunate. My analysis today focuses on the path Trump will follow. As you likely know, former President Trump was shot (in the ear) at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on July 13th.
In my own journey, I have faced the brink of death three times, emerging each time with the gift of transmutation—a gift that has reshaped billion dollars brands, and tens of thousands of lives across the world.
Transformation vs. Transmutation
Transformation: alters the form or appearance while preserving the core essence, akin to a caterpillar becoming a butterfly, where the essence endures, yet the form is anew. In fact, the DNA remains the same.
Transmutation: the reformation of the fundamental nature itself, like turning lead into gold. The original substance is entirely reborn into something transcendent and divine.
Had Trump’s head not moved at that precise moment, catastrophe would have ensued. What does this mean for Trump and the world as a whole? What will it mean for you and your family? A bullet grazed his head, a mere two inches from his brain—an event that undoubtedly alters one’s comprehension of life. Was this the hand of providence? Was it the universe itself that intervened? What lessons shall Trump, and all of us, draw from this divine encounter?
Facing death so closely strips away ego and false identity built on transient successes—be it wealth or religious fervor. In that instant, the physical identity vanishes, forcing a reconnection with one’s true purpose—the purpose often realized as one approaches their day of death. This purpose transcends wealth, success, and even the bonds of love, as these desires pale in comparison to the singular reason for our creation.
Near-Death Experiences Cause a Shift
Trump’s near-death experience will elevate his consciousness, whether by choice or by fate. His values will shift profoundly. Humility will replace his pride. His relentless pursuit of dominance to feed his ego will diminish. Note, this is not unique to Trump; in our society, many believe that such dominance is essential for success. Those who think his ordeal is a partisan matter must think again.
From a higher consciousness perspective, personal feelings towards Trump are secondary. What matters is the undeniable impact he has had on you and the world. Whether you are for something or against it makes no difference because you are in the game. One hand cannot clap without the other. You can no longer pretend to sit on the sidelines as a spectator, cheering for your side, for you have been a player all along.
This means you can use Trump’s near-death encounter as an opportunity to awaken from the hypnotic downward spiral this country and the world is finding itself in.
Shaping Human Destiny
It is our opportunity to stop playing the game, to unite as Team Human, and create a future prophesied. Will Trump seize this chance? Will other leaders? Will you? Your decision, and his, will shape human destiny.
Trump’s encounter with death is not the cause of one of the greatest awakenings that humanity will experience; it is the result of it. This does not mean he is the Messiah, nor that his survival is a prophetic sign, as some believe. I will not debate those notions here.
Specifically for Trump, his essence will change. Those who know him will find a different man. This is another version of Trump, drawn from the vast expanse of the multi-dimensional possibilities. We all exist in this boundless universe of potential. This opportunity lends us all the choice to choose differently. The universal laws, not the outdated tenets of science, compel us all to embrace the new possibilities, though we cannot force it upon you.
A New Order of Consciousness
For Trump, a noticeable transformation will unfold within 8 to 12 weeks. This powerful transmutation will affect not only Trump but all who engage with him. Every soul, including the global powers beyond the presidency, will adhere to this new order of consciousness.
Trump’s awakening to the falsehoods he has lived, will be intense. I speak not of scandals or dubious dealings; these are but fragments of our collective human experience. I refer to the consciousness that controls humanity. His idea of self will transcend beyond any mortal concept. As he rewrites his life’s meaning, many changes will emerge—physical, mental, spiritual. This opportunity is available for you as well, if you choose to embrace it.
Foresight from Near-Death Experiences
I possess the foresight to see the impact on his personal and professional realms, for my near-death experiences have granted me the ability to peer beyond veils, through closed doors, into the very secrets hidden from oneself. For example, I could share insights into how his personal relationships might evolve, but this knowledge is sensitive and not for everyone.
Leaders across all fields—politics, religion, business—will feel the tremors of this event. Transparency has dawned upon us. No one can escape it. Look to the news; see the unveiling of secrets long hidden. This is an era of true freedom—freedom for all, not just the self-proclaimed elite.
It is your choice to use this experience as the death of the old self and a rebirth of a new world paradigm. Choose wisely, for your soul is at stake.
Find Masati at: theXIcode.com

Masati is the CEO and Founder of Xponential Intelligence Science, as well as an international speaker and best-selling author. He is regarded as an expert in the quantum realm by his community of over one million people.