What do you see as the biggest culprit contributing to anxiety today?
Anxiety is increased due to a pervasive sense of destabilization, as people feel catapulted into an uncertain future. It is also increased by media constantly showing images of overwhelming problems that seem unsolvable. On a deeper level, we are being pulled into a mass ascension of consciousness, and while this is great news, our ego selves often fear and resist letting go of their old identity.
What’s your best solution for anxiety or stress today?
Simple meditative practices that strongly ground people in their body, in the present moment. I call these Foundational Practices, and they can be practiced in 30 seconds or less with great benefits. These practices are explained in the Getting Started chapter of my book Awakening the Avatar Within. Another key way to dispel anxiety is coming to know your true purpose and committing to fulfilling it. Then, you stop feeling helpless.
Is there something that works better for kids versus teens or even teens versus adults?
Young people love music and movement. Most kids and teenagers will respond well to sacred dance movements that are focused on moving energy through the body and expressing their feelings. Kids and teenagers will also greatly benefit from simple meditation practices, especially in groups. They just need mentoring from people who lead by example.
How about stress in men versus women? Are there differences or different issues that should be addressed?
I don’t think women need different meditations than men, as the methods I mentioned earlier work for anyone. However, the prevalent stresses can tend to be different. Men tend to feel more isolated in their feelings, while women tend to create more supportive relationships. So, men need safe places to share their innermost feelings so they can open this part of themselves up and find new solutions to the challenges they face. Women need this also but often have a greater need for empowering group processes that help them face and overcome their insecurities.
How do you feel about the growing business of Calm and all of its solutions? This is the stress reduction software, right?
I don’t know much about it, except that lots of people use programs like this. They can be helpful for people motivated to actually use it. I believe there is way more benefit in group meditations with live people, including on Zoom. I lead several events for this purpose each week, and people love it and gain wonderful benefits.
Can you provide an example of a specific person (without naming them) that you have helped and how you helped them?
Sure. She is a woman in her 60s who is very intelligent, highly trained in healing and coaching methods, and very spiritually aware. She was feeling inhibited from growing her coaching and teaching business due to deep fears from the past, so as a result, her income has been limited. She also had periodic stabbing pains in her abdomen of unknown cause. We had a single Quantum Healing session over Zoom yesterday, and I helped her uncover some causative factors for her pain and fear she had never seen before. After clearing those old energies, she felt a lot better and clearer and wrote this email to me after the session: “So much better!
Discovering those constrictions and releasing them was huge!
Also, discovering the mechanism and reason behind it was huge.
You have my heartfelt gratitude.”
What do you see that others might not in the world self-harm?
I see several possible causes. One could be feelings of low self-worth triggered by repeated negative messages on social media. This has become a major issue for young people, especially girls. Another could be spirit possession. Young people with an underdeveloped sense of self could be influenced to harm themselves due to negative voices they hear in their heads that are not coming from their own real selves. This is much more likely in recreational drug users.
What question do you think we should ask about stress and anxiety that we didn’t ask, and what is your answer?
“What is the fastest, simplest way to reduce my stress?” First, drink a glass of water so you are hydrated. Then, put the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth, slightly behind your two front upper teeth. This is called the Master Hookup. While lightly touching your tongue to that point, breathe fully and deeply in and out of your lower abdomen 10 times. Also, Go hiking in nature as often as you can. This is an amazing stress reducer and well-being increaser.

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